SITECH Community Marketing Newsletter

February 2021

Constructing Better, Together.

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One-on-one Marketing Meeting Opportunity 

We hope your marketing plans are ready to go. We would be happy to set up one-on-one meetings with any interested SITECH to discuss ideas and priorities for 2021 and see how we can help tackle them. Even if we cannot always guarantee financial support, we can at least help you master the look and implementation!
Just send an email to [email protected] and the team will come back to you! One-On-One-Meeting_edited.png

API Feed for SITECH websites coming!

We are currently beta testing the SITECH website API feed for all product information to always be up to date and come directly from the Trimble Heavy Industry website. This will ensure that current product information is pushed to the dealer site and will minimize the work needed to keep product content up to date. In addition, the customer remains on the local SITECH website throughout their visit, allowing them to ask for more info and request a demo directly on site in order to build your own pipeline of leads.

Having the local SITECH website built in WordPress is the first important condition in order to use the upcoming API. The next one is to have the structure of the “Solutions” section similar to the one we have on the dealer sample site

An example of the API feed in action is on the staging area of our sample site. Under the “Solutions” section, when choosing a Solution, all of the product cards and their sub pages are being pulled from the feed. 
Take a peek and contact us if you need help updating your website to be ready to deploy the API feed as soon as it is available.

Continuous Improvement: MarketSmart Web Plugin Feature 

106 different emails have been sent out from MarketSmart in 2020. It is time to play the next ace out of the MarketSmart deck and release the ability to design micro-pages and registration pages to link to or embed in your own website.
We are in the early stages of adding content but we have different templates available and have already implemented one registration page for SITECH Mid-Canada to capture registrations for an online event.
Have a look and share ideas or needs. We are happy to support you and organize training with the Zift Support Team.

Trimble Business Center Campaign 

To support the efforts of our dealers in promoting software as the enabler for a connected and productive workflow as well as to support the launch of Trimble Business Center Version 5.4, we have added a Trimble Business Center campaign to MarketSmart. As a reminder, campaigns already exist for Trimble Stratus, Trimble WorksManager and Trimble WorksOS. Each campaign includes multiple touches, including: print and online advertising, social media posts, email signatures and more. Browse the campaigns on MarketSmart and get in touch with us if you need any customization.


Trimble Roadworks Campaign Available 

To support the introduction of Trimble Roadworks 3D Paving Control Platform for Asphalt Pavers two visuals have been developed and are also available on MarketSmart for you to leverage and customize.

2021 is the 10 Year Anniversary for Many SITECHs 

Many SITECHs are celebrating their 10th anniversary in 2021. Ten years successfully providing Trimble construction technology to their local market! A great opportunity to thank their customers and appear as a trustable and durable business. We have prepared some social media posts and e-sig for you. All are available on MarketSmart or customizable on request.
Let us know if you need more!


SITECH E-Signature Templates 

To support a request from Russia and in order for the SITECHs to easily update their e-signature for an upcoming event or a special sales promo we have added two templates to MarketSmart under “Dealer Branding and Templates”. They are created in PowerPoint, you can download them and change the images and wording before saving them as jpg for your team to use as a temporary email signature.


As a reminder we have a broad choice of SITECH email signatures available. Please select “Email signature” under asset type to view them. 

SITECH Brand Compliance Reminder

GUP54745-Branding Initiative-Header-Image_1200x553px.jpgAs the owner of the SITECH brand, Trimble must ensure the SITECH branding remains consistent across different touch points, platforms and territories to grow brand awareness. Unfortunately, we frequently see examples of misuse of the SITECH brand. We remind all SITECH Technology Dealers and Marketers of the fundamental and legal obligation to build the SITECH brand within their respective trade areas and market sub-segments according to the SITECH Style Guide.
We have noticed an increasing number of SITECH dealerships that are not in compliance with the SITECH Brand Guidelines. We must continue to be vigilant about maintaining all of our brand standards. 

Please watch for an email on this topic in the coming 2-3 weeks. Please make an appointment with your local MarCom contact to review your activities and templates if you are unsure. We are available to review any new materials prior to production to help you avoid branding violations.

LinkedIn Group

You don’t want to wait for the next newsletter to come out but want to know immediately what materials we have just finalized? The LinkedIn Group for SITECH marketers is the best way to stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel. Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

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