SITECH Community Newsletter

November 2019

Constructing Better, Together.

Featured Item

SITECH 2020 calendar templates are available for you to print or leverage to develop your own version. The SITECH calendars aim to cover the full range of civil engineering and construction products to raise awareness about all our solutions and help you sell more to your existing customers. The templates are fully customizable and represent a good and affordable way to have your name in front of your customers every day.


Contact your regional channel marketing contact to get print pricing and/or customize for your region. You can also use the attached order form to order directly from the Brushart agency.

MarketSmart Updates

SITECH Product Introduction Campaigns

We are very proud to announce a variety of SITECH branded campaigns to support the launch of Trimble® WorksManager Software and Trimble SiteVision. Each campaign includes an email, social media posts, email-signature, print and digital advertisements, pull-up banners…

The regional channel marketing team is available to support you with translations or reformatting as needed.

Trimble WorksManager Campaigns

Trimble WorksManager Campaigns

Trimble SiteVision Campaigns

Trimble SiteVision Campaigns

Trimble Earthworks Grade Control Platform supporting Tilt Rotators

Trimble Earthworks Grade Control Platform supporting Tilt Rotators

SITECH Tradeshows and Events

SITECH Ohio Tech & Dirt days

To support the SITECH Ohio Tech & Dirt Day event, we updated the logo, provided a printed flyer, an HTML version of the flyer, and social media posts, and a registration page.

Dirt and Tech

Digital SITECH Tradeshow Teaser

Digital SITECH Tradeshow Teaser has been developed for several SITECH dealers to promote their show presence as well as the latest Trimble product introductions

Matexpo Banner

SITECH Oregon New Facility

SITECH Oregon new facility in Aurora, OR. This mural was installed on the wall in their main showroom. They have shared the artwork with the channel marketing team for you to adapt and leverage.

SITECH Oregon Mural

Various SITECH Events

Various SITECH events around the world we supported with signage, booth graphics, give-aways, email signatures and more...


LinkedIn Group

To stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel, please join the Linkedin Group for SITECH marketers as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

Holiday Season

In order to allow you to concentrate on 2020 planning and end of year sales activities, we have prepared a set of seasonal marketing materials for you to use. Printed and digital holiday greetings templates have been prepared and loaded onto MarketSmart.

SITECH 2020 calendar templates are available for you to print or leverage to develop your own version. The SITECH calendars aim to cover the full range of civil engineering and construction products to raise awareness about all our solutions and help you sell more to your existing customers. The templates are fully customizable and represent a good and affordable way to have your name in front of your customers every day.

Contact your regional channel marketing contact to get print pricing and/or customize for your region. You can also use the attached order form to order directly from the Brushart agency.

SITECH Holiday Graphics

Your 2020 Marketing Plan

It is recommended that you create and share with us an annual integrated marketing communication plan that serves as a road map or blue print that guides your Dealership’s course of action and resource allocation. A good marketing plan should include a clear set of measurable objectives and a set of strategies, tactics and marketing calendar that support those objectives.

The Channel Marketing Team would be interested in supporting your marketing activities as long as they follow the SITECH Style Guide and aim at generating leads and sales. Funds are not guaranteed but we will aim to support as many requests as possible.

In order for any activity to be considered, the SITECH Partner may email activity goals and details as well as all available cost and implementation information directly to the Trimble Channel Marketing Regional Contact in the quarter prior to the activity.


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