SITECH Community Marketing Newsletter

September 2020

Constructing Better, Together.

Featured Tool

SITECH Calendar 2021

A lot of people cannot wait for 2020 to be over… As a positive approach to 2021 we have selected the Dirtkhana theme for the SITECH calendar. Templates will be available for you to print or leverage to develop your own version. The templates are fully customizable and represent a good and affordable way to have your name in front of your customers every day. As usual we have worked on a desktop and a wall calendar version.

Contact your regional channel marketing contact to get print pricing and/or customize for your region.


Trimble TPaaS Introduction Campaign

To support the introduction of Trimble Platform as a Service (TPaaS) offering in the American Region, a SITECH branded campaign has been developed and is available on MarketSmart. TPaaS is an all-inclusive bundle of machine control, site positioning systems, correction services and office software. The low, fixed monthly price includes installation, upgrades, repairs and SITECH support. 

The campaign consists of an eblast, an email signature, a web slider for all the SITECH websites using the template, various images and social media posts as well as a short animated video. 
TpaaS Launch Collage.png

Website Updates

Essential Grid Plugin Update

As offered in our last newsletter we are here to help you keep your website up to date and prepare it for the launch of the API feed in the coming months.
For those of you using the SITECH website templates and not having updated for a while, you might encounter difficulties updating the content. This is due to an initial important plugin called Essential Grid that is now outdated and no longer allows content to be updated. Please check and we can help you solve this issue.

Web Sliders

For those using our templates for their SITECH website, please don't forget that we have a big choice of web sliders available on MarketSmart and that we can create new ones on request to promote any special feature or event. Look at the two examples below:

SITECH Michigan for their summer laser promotion
SITECH Southwest to promote tilt compensation

Another month, another Trimble Business Center Power Hour to promote

The next Trimble Business Center Power Hour is around the corner and will take place on September 16th with Mike Tartaglia from SITECH Southwest explaining how to use TBC and WorksManager/WorksOS to create the Landfill Solution. As usual there is an email template as well as social media posts available on MarketSmart to promote this session.


A few more animated videos are available

After the positive feedback received on our first SITECH branded animated videos presented in the last newsletter, we developed a few more. All are a sure shot way of keeping your target audience engaged and interested.

Two are highlighting the key points of the TSC7 and the TDC600 in a simple and effective manner


The most recent one is a more lighthearted one focusing on the MagDrive feature of the SPS total stations.

Enjoy watching them – the last slide can easily be customized to show your own contact details :)

Social Media Images

To celebrate the construction industry’s importance to infrastructure and the economy, I Build America, an organization dedicated to promoting the value of the construction industry, declared September 14-18, 2020 as the third annual Construction Appreciation Week. 

To help you celebrate the millions of men and women who work in the Construction Industry and their accomplishments, social media images are available on MarketSmart.


What would you need next? 

LinkedIn Group

To stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel, please join the LinkedIn Group for SITECH marketers as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

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Your Trimble Channel Marketing Regional Contacts

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