SITECH Community Marketing Newsletter

April 2020

Constructing Better, Together.

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SITECH Marketing Webinar Series: Introduction

The first of a series of on-demand videos, this introductory webinar details Trimble SITECH channel marketing activities and goals, with information about currently available marketing materials and tools—including an action plan!

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SITECH Branded Emails

Trimble Business Center – Get Current Promotion offered by Trimble Protected – ending Aug. 31, 2020
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Trimble Business Center Training Video Library – promotes online webinar and events. Free training offering to use the pandemic time to become a Trimble Business Center Expert
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Look at the bright side of technology Email – highlights the advantages of technology during the current COVID-19 lockdown
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Trimble Earthworks Hit the Jackpot at ConExpo – summary of the ConExpo product releases, especially Trimble Earthworks Version 2.0
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Trimble Solutions for airport construction  featuring various airport construction application stories
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A series of three emails promoting the new generation of the SPS986 Smart Antenna using Centerpoint RTX correction service to deliver increased performance and productivity.
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SITECH Branded Campaigns

We are very proud to announce a variety of SITECH branded campaigns. Each campaign includes an email, social media posts, email-signature, print and digital advertisements, and pull-up banners….

The regional channel marketing team is available to support you with translations or reformatting as needed.

  • LOADRITE Payload Management in Trimble Earthworks
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to contact all the customers who have equipped their excavators with Trimble Earthworks in the past three years and offer them an upgrade to prevent under- or over-loading and to track productivity even better with the optional Bluetooth printer and web-based reporting.
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  • Augmented Reality feature in Trimble Earthworks for Excavators

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  • A Trimble Ready campaign
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  • Optimize your investment campaign
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  • Maintain your technology campaign

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Various seasonal social media posts

On top of pictures, sales promotions, events you are promoting on social media, you can also brand your social media with a holiday theme or include time-limited offers to create a sense of urgency. Or just communicate what’s happening right now at your dealership. 

We reacted to the pandemic crisis with We Will Keep You Going and Look at the Bright Side of Technology Posts

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We had some Easter social media posts prepared

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What would you need next?


SITECH Germany Initiative against Labor shortages

About 21% of employees in the construction industry are age 55 or older, compared to just 9% that are 24 or younger. Workers in construction are aging out and retiring at a faster rate than the younger generation is coming in. Tech-savvy millennials aren’t flocking to careers in construction as past generation have, which will continue to cause issues for firms as they seek to meet growing demand.

SITECH Germany is one of our high performers and faces the labor shortage as many others. It is hard to find and hire qualified workers. They have started a few initiatives to work against this, offering in-house training and apprenticeship programs as well as collaborating with construction schools to attract and train new talent for careers in construction.

We supported them designing recruitment ads, SITECH branded pull-ups... 

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LinkedIn Group

To stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel, please join the LinkedIn Group for SITECH marketers as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

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An inspirational quote

“I have yet to see any study that proves timidity is the route to success. Studies consistently have proven that companies that have the intelligence and guts to maintain or increase their overall marketing and advertising efforts in times of business downturns will get the edge on their timid competitors.” 

J. Welsey Rosberg, Senior VP, MELDRUM & FEWSMITH


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