SITECH Community Marketing Newsletter

September 2021

Constructing Better, Together.

Featured Tool

SITECH 2022 Calendar

We are excited to announce the 2022 SITECH Calendar. Templates will be available for you to print or leverage to develop your own version. The templates are fully customizable and represent a good and affordable way to have your name in front of your customers every day. As usual we have worked on different versions including a desktop and a wall calendar version. 

Contact your regional channel marketing contact to get print pricing and/or customize for your region. 

New Trimble Authorized Dealer Logo

We're excited to share with you the new Trimble Authorized Dealer (TAD) logo! All language versions are available for you to use on MarketSmart. You can easily find them by typing "logo" in the search field or selecting "Dealer Branding and Templates" as asset type. We have uploaded the TAD logos by language. The ZIP file for each language contains both the eps and jpeg file in all color versions: Black, White and Blue.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! 

SITECH Customer Newsletter – Summer Issue Available

A few SITECHs have adopted the SITECH Newsletter templates. Great to see and get them in our inbox! (Yes please for adding us to your distribution list!) Newsletters are a good way to keep in touch with customers or interested people. The “Summer” issue of the SITECH newsletter template is ready for you on MarketSmart to customize and adjust to your region and offering. In this newsletter we are highlighting the Trimble Platform as a Service offering, the Trimble Earthworks for soil compactors introduction and featuring a case study with Veit & Company. 

As the sender, you control all the content and can easily replace / remove any or all of the content provided. You could, for example, choose to replace any of the paragraphs with a local customer story or the introduction of a new employee or a local promotion or event. 

Let us know if you need some support getting this out of “your door”. 

MarketSmart Web Plugins Feature

Apparently you have been waiting for this functionality for a while! We received a few requests to design micro-pages and registration pages to link to or embed in a SITECH website and collect leads through forms. 

One of the templates has been used to promote the Jobsite Connectivity Software Bundles announced at the end of August, and another to collect entries for a raffle from SITECH Precision. 


The most commonly used template is as expected the one to collect registrations for webinars or events.
A great benefit of the MarketSmart web plugins is that all the data (such as view/click stats) and leads collected are available in MarketSmart. You can have a deep look into a customer's behavior and journey checking all the “events” he had with your various communication pieces. Which email has Mr. X opened, how many times, which links has he clicked - all indications of how engaged he is with your products and services. It can be an invaluable source of information for your sales team. 

Interested in learning more? We are happy to adapt to your requirements and organize training with the Zift Support Team.

New Animations to Promote Products and/or Services

  • Who is SITECH Animation

On request of SITECH Michigan a short video has been created to present SITECH in general first and then zoom in on the strengths, highlights and services of their dealership. 

Interested in the customization of the second part of the video for your own SITECH? Contact your regional channel marketer! 

  • Trimble TSC5 Animation

To be consistent with other recent product introductions and social media animations created to highlight the features and applications of the various controllers, we have added a Trimble TSC5 animation to MarketSmart. Check it out! 

SITECH Flyers / Catalog Modules for OEM Partnerships

A great way to leverage the various spread pages of the SITECH Catalog is to use them as flyers to work with your Cat dealership and all the other OEMs you have managed to establish a relationship with. The flyers can be used at events and also by the OEM sales reps. 

SITECH Chesapeake has been working with their Caterpillar dealer to reach new customers and requested all possible flyers with Cat machines only. 

Chesapeake CAT Flyers.jpg
SITECH Russia is working with John Deere and has its own set of flyers…
Deere Flyers.jpg

What about you? Which OEM can we help you to target?


SITECH Dakotas Warranty Campaign

The sales team at SITECH Dakotas wanted to increase customer awareness of their Extended Warranty products, and they asked their marketing team for help. They requested an email campaign that would target customers who have equipment that is close to factory warranty expiration. Sales had a list containing the salesperson’s name, customer name and email, product type and serial number, and warranty expiration date. 

We worked with the marketing department to create a customized email to be sent monthly for the product warranties expiring within the following month. The emails are sent referencing the salesperson, and include a call to action to contact their salesperson for additional information. 

Each email is personalized to the customer, their product name and serial number as well as the date of the factory warranty expiration. We are watching this campaign closely, and plan to provide statistics updates as they become available. 

Let us know if you need some help for a similar activity!

Anything Else? 

Share your goals and ideas with our team and we will see how we can help tackle them. 

LinkedIn Group

The LinkedIn Group for SITECH marketers is the best way to stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel. Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so already. 

It is a pleasure to see our SITECH campaigns and social media posts travel across the globe but please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for more, share your needs and ideas.

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