SITECH Community Marketing Newsletter

June 2021

Constructing Better, Together.

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MarketSmart Monthly Open Hours

Once a month, we set aside time specifically for you to learn more about the MarketSmart Marketing Automation Platform and to tap into its full potential. Join our experts to get your questions answered, take a tour, or learn something new. We held the first session on June 1st. The invitation and registration link for the next one will be sent soon but you can already mark your calendar for July 6th


New SITECH branded campaigns

  • Trimble Connected Site Campaign

To promote the Trimble technology solutions to connect your entire site and project, a new visual is available. The SITECH branded campaign consists of print and digital ads, an email, some social posts, and an animated video for use on social media. 
We are happy to support you in adapting language or formats for each. Just reach out to your regional MarCom contact. 

Browse the assets on MarketSmart and get in touch with us if you need any customization.

  • Trimble GuidEx Campaign

To support the introduction of the Trimble GuidEx system, various visuals have been developed with all kinds of assets. As usual you have a range of print and digital ads, emails, social media posts and pop-up graphics to choose from. 

Browse the assets on MarketSmart and get in touch with us if you need any customization. 

  • Software Solutions Campaign

In the weekly construction news email dated May 27, Trimble Civil Construction Software announced a SITECH Referral Program for Trimble Quest and Quadri software solutions. A full SITECH branded campaign consisting of three emails, social media posts and a microsite able to collect leads is available for you to collect and submit leads to be eligible for commission. 

Please connect with us to activate the campaign and guide you through the steps. 

NOTE: The program is available worldwide for Trimble Quest, but is limited to USA and Canada for Quadri


MarketSmart Web Plugin Feature

As announced earlier this year, we now have the ability to design micro-pages and registration pages to link to or embed in your own website and collect leads through forms. One of the templates has been used as part of the software campaign described above and another has now been used several times by different SITECHs to collect registrations for webinars or events. 

Have a look under Web Plugin and share your ideas or needs. We are happy to adapt to your requirements and organize training with the Zift Support Team.

Local SITECH requests

  • We Have Moved Campaign
SITECH Midway has moved their offices and nicely communicated the change of location and the excitement about their new place through email, social media and a post card.Let us know if you need some help for a similar activity!  

  • Spectra Precision Laser Sales and Trade-In Campaign 
SITECH Germany asked us to help design a Spring Spectra Precision Laser promotion. The sales and trade-in campaign came out nicely and consists of a flyer and some social media posts.

  • A Fun Give-Away
We were after a fun and affordable give-away to distribute at upcoming events, including a fun family day. The team came up with various options for a sliding tile puzzle. The perfect gift for children but also for customers whose goods delivery is delayed. 

Check with your regional MarCom person to learn how to get some for distribution at your upcoming events.  

Seasonal Social Media Posts

South America recently honored Machinery Operators and Surveyor Engineers. The team created some animated images in Portuguese and Spanish to help them celebrate.


Next upcoming holidays will be Father's Day and International Women in Engineering Day
And of course for many countries in the world the summer holiday season is starting and some SITECHs will close for a few days or weeks. Inform your customers and wish them a nice vacation!

Ask us to create visuals for your own seasonal promotions or local events! 

SITECH 2022 Calendar in Development

As per previous years and in order to be ready for production at the end of the third quarter, we have started working on a 2022 SITECH branded calendar. Templates will be available for you to print or leverage to develop your own version. The templates will be fully customizable and represent a good and affordable way to have your name in front of your customers every day. As usual we plan on a desktop and a wall calendar version. 

Anything Else? 

Share your goals and ideas with our team and we will see how we can help tackle them! Even if we can not always guarantee financial support, we can at least help you master the look and implementation! 

LinkedIn Group

The LinkedIn Group for SITECH marketers is the best way to stay up-to-date about the activities for the SITECH sales channel. Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so already. 

It is a pleasure to see our SITECH campaigns and social media posts travel across the globe but please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for more, share your needs and ideas.

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